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2015 - A Key Year

The New Year has started, meaning the earth has made one whole revolution around the sun and people make promises to themselves that they either break or keep. But as we move forward into a new year, we also look back and reminisce on the past year-2015. Personally, I have grown and learned and Key Club has played a humongous role in this. Key Club has taught me confidence. Running for a position, performing large and minute project, uniting a club, persuading members to join take so much confidence! If you want anyone to have confidence in you, you must first have it in yourself. Key Club has taught me selflessness. When referring to Key Club, we must refer to it as “The club I serve.” At first, can be very annoying but as you dig deeper and begin to understand the meaning of this phrase, you begin to notice that you are helping more than just yourself; you are leaving an impact on somebody else’s’ life and you are also saving lives. Think about it--the money raised during Eliminate Week, goes to preventing MNT(maternal neonatal tetanus ) and saves the lives of babies and mothers out there. It was you and your community who came together to raise this money and help those in need. I think out of the many things Key Club has taught me- the most important thing I have learned is how to be myself. One of the core values of Key Club is inclusiveness and therefore, one is not shunned no matter how awkward they are, no matter their gender, race or religion, Key Club will be your family. Now taking in all the things I’ve learned in the past year, I move on to a year of 2016 and completely revolutionize myself by learning even more. What have you learned in 2015, and what are your goals for 2016? No matter what they are keep your head high and remember-“We got you fam!”


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