Happy to Serve!
On October 31st, I attended Halloween Volunteer Night at St. John's Shelter for Woman and Children. It was a Halloween Party thrown by the shelter for the women and children who were a part of it. There were stations to work at such as: cupcake decorating, creating skeletons, outdoor games, etc. I arrived at the event a bit late, approximately half an hour later than the set time of volunteering. Because of a mix-up, I had to walk two miles with my friends to the location of the volunteer site. However, it wasn't a huge problem, I had to get the event no mater what! I came just in time to help a bit for setting up the event and I had stayed for the entire length of the event. It was an amazing volunteering experience; it was very fun. I volunteered at the cupcake station, and it was amazing to see the lives that were affected by just simply helping a child decorate a cupcake. The smiles that were brought upon us by mothers and their children made the experience even better than it was when it began. I am always happy to serve and see the impact I make on others.