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Survival of the Fittest

"August 13th marks the beginning of a new school year for a lot of us and for Laguna Creek; August 26th is the day of Club Rush. Now beginning of school can mean a variety of things to different people. While some people are hating the idea of spending hour upon hour in a classroom and then coming home to a pile of homework and textbooks; others look forward to seeing their friends again, attending dances, and KEY CLUB! Whether you are looking at the more optimistic or pessimistic sides of this, we all have one basic goal the in mind and that is to survive this year. Survival can mean getting through each day just because you have to or you can do a lot more than that. I know for me, I have constantly thought about how I am going to go through this year with all these classes, attend all these events, go to these clubs, do these sports, do my homework and still have time to sleep or have get enough sleep, but I do have others who will go through this with me and we are not alone. I have friends who have advised me on how to get though all of this, I have my board to help me get through this year. Yes, we need to survive through this year, but we also need to do so much more to remember and cherish it and we will need to more some sacrifices to do this. But the next time you feel alone or that you are having a hard time, remember you are not alone, you have Key Club."

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