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Division 7 South DCON 14-15

"Three thirty a.m., I woke up to a noisy alarm and I knew it was the day, March 13, 2015, the first day of DCON. Too excited to be tired, I got ready and prepared for a long journey to Anaheim, CA, a nearly 8 hour trip. Seven long hours later and 45 minutes from the hotel our bus stopped in the middle of Los Angeles and everyone had evacuated from it. We all thought we were taking a quick break, however it turned out our bus had broken down! We spent the next 5 hours waiting for a mechanic to repair our bus or for a replacement bus to take us to the hotel. Those were the longest 5 hours as we sat pondering if we would make it to DCON in time to sign in. Our bus was fixed and the replacement bus came. The replacement bus took us to the hotel while the other bus held our luggage and we made it to the Anaheim Hilton Hotel just in time for the first general session where we cheered our hearts out.

To be honest, it was really hard to be motivated after a 13 hour bus trip; all I wanted to do was sleep. The next day was filled with inspiring sessions that filled me with pride when our division or school was recognized for its achievements. I attended a lot of sessions that were related to being an editor and I learned so much. I was so excited to see influential peers such as Jenalee Beazley and Jaqueline Tsang. Governor’s Ball was a blast and I know I showed off my MONSTERous moves on the dance floor. The final day of DCON was very emotional for everybody and there were a lot of tears as we said our goodbyes. My first DCON might have had rough start and I might have been slightly sleep deprived, but I learned to overcome that and have a good time. I’m proud to say that I did not regret it; I enjoyed it."

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